居所 The Residence━作为居所而言,一个建筑(室内)究竟要带给我们什么样的反馈,其实没有标准答案。There is no standard answer as to what kind of feedback a building should bring to us as a residence. 但因其建筑形式的不同,以及使用者诉求的不同,我们则可能帮助使用者尽可能的去找到一个更为合适的呈现方式。所以,该项目也不例外,甚至因其诉求的独特性,而具备一定的思考价值。But because of the different forms of architecture and the different demands of the owner, we will help them to find a more suitable way of presentation as much as possible. Therefore, this project is also in the same way, and even has a certain value of consideration due to its uniqueness. 态度The Posture━我们都需要一所房子,或大或小,去安放自己的肉体与灵魂。但大多数时候,能满足其身体的舒适性(物质诉求),已然不易。而精神诉求的表达,则与使用者的意识态度息息相关。他们究竟需要一个怎样的精神场域,又或者说她们愿意付出怎样的成本代价去获得这一可能性,至关重要。这,便是使用者的生活态度。We all need a house, no matter how big or small, to house our body and soul. But most of the time, it can satisfy the comfort of the body. The expression of spiritual aspirations, on the other hand, is actually closely related to the conscious attitude of the owner. What kind of spiritual field they need, or what cost they are willing to pay to obtain this possibility, is crucial. This is the owner's attitude to life.但一个优秀空间的落成,并非一己之力便可达成的。除开业主的意识态度和落地支持以外。设计师的态度也尤为重要。作为设计师,我们怎么看待使用者的真实诉求,真正去尊重使用者的意图,是其中的关键。并且,事无巨细,也并非大的空间尺度和高投入,才能做出好设计。于是,在面对这个50多平米的一人居时,设计的价值,反而被放大到了一定的程度。But the completion of a great space is not something that can be achieved by myself personally. In addition to the owner's conscious attitude and support, the designer's attitude is also important. As a designer, how we look at the owner's real demand, really respect the owner's intention, it is a point. Moreover, it is not a matter of large space scale and high investment to make a good design. Thus, when facing this 50 square metres of one person living in a house, the value of design is instead magnified to a certain extent.
The Requirement
The ultimate in comfort is the owner's only demand. But underneath the seemingly simple demands, there are many details.
Firstly, comfort can be subdivided into: physical comfort, mental comfort, lighting comfort, tonal comfort, circulation comfort, functional convenience and integrity comfort, and spatial scale comfort, to name a few.
But, how to fit so many details in a space of more than 50 square metres was our main design task. So, we started our design with the most basic details. So that every area space can be utilised in the best possible way. The entrance doorway connects the kitchen with the dining kitchen and the living balcony on the side, reflecting the circulation of the space. At the same time, the shoe and hat cabinet and the refrigerator cabinet in the dining room are also designed, while from the finishing touches to the boundaries of the area. The raised floor, is the area of the dining room and bathroom, in such a way that makes the dining room seems more independent and important.