“OVERLAPS,” which literally mean part of one thing covers part of the other, is a technique for disassembling the volume and light hierarchy between objects and reassembling the spatial logic. “The designer’s volume combination is presented consistently under the light, and it is a fitting, magnificent, and learned performance.” “Overlap” is an expansion of the dimension that gives the present space expression a more creative footnote.
OVERLAPS is a high-end restaurant that combines a fine Western foundation with additional culinary inventiveness. On Hengshan Road in Shanghai, the project is close to the Consulate Neighborhood, which used to be a senior living community for the French concession and a hub for Shanghai culture. In Shanghai, where time and creativity collide and space and dreams converge, the designer has captured the fortunate elements of Western culture and blended them with the city’s rich historical heritage.
Overlap does not occur in a staggered manner; it is rather harmonious and not perverse. We can see everything in the lobby from the middle, including the walnut-wood American bar, the wonderfully carved European dome, the antique furniture, lamps, and the traditional plaid patterns. The defining characteristics of several eras of Western classicism seem to converge in one realm.
设计师以色调为调和的突破点,暖橘色光线中和了木质与金属的质感冲突,平衡了胡桃木色与大理石白的鲜明对比,以极具现代特色的方式兼顾了空间的精致与优雅。The designer views harmony’s tipping point as the tone. The warm orange light balances the stark difference between the white marble and the sharp contrast between the walnut. In addition, it lends the room’s delicate beauty a very contemporary touch. 古典主义讲求秩序与对称,现代主义则强调几何与实感,让历史与现实重合,就要将古典与现代重组。大堂的廊角处,拱顶立柱与三角钢琴遥相呼应,随脚步的深入,时间也一并缓慢流淌,宛若一场跨越时间的年代对话,将欧洲中世纪极致精巧的设计理念焕活于空间之中。While modernism places an emphasis on geometry and a sense of reality, classicism pays more attention on order and symmetry. Recombining classicism and modernism is required to align history with reality. The grand piano may be heard resonating off the pillars of the arch at the corner of the lobby. Time moves slowly as the steps become deeper and deeper, which is akin to a dialogue across time, bringing the exquisiteness of the European Middle Ages design concept to life in the setting. 如鉴赏一幅中世纪油画,艺术巧思随细节的打开逐一展现。与街区整体红砖墙、罗马柱的欧式古典主义元素呼应,设计师将历史感掩藏于复古物件之间,钢琴光润的质感、富有年代感的斑驳艺术漆,精心打磨的手工砖……虚构与现实的交叠处,浓厚的古典工匠气息消解了生活的粗粝感,时间被酝酿成装点空间的故事,缓缓挥发着余香。Artistic wizardry develops when details are revealed, much like an appreciation of a medieval painting. The designer conceals the sense of history among the retro items, such as the smooth texture of the piano, the mottled artistic paint which is full of the sense of time, and the carefully polished handmade bricks, by echoing the European classical elements of the entire red brick wall and Roman column of the block. The powerful aura of classical craftsmen dispels the harsh impression of life at the nexus of fiction and reality. Time seems to be brewed into a narrative that decorates the area, gently dissolving the remaining scent. 当暮色余晖自落地窗角消散,晚间特有的灯光恰如日光与月色的轮转,映照出区别于日间的温柔。餐厅采取日咖夜酒的经营模式,为消费者在不同时段提供了更丰富的选择。蓝色的穹顶光与西方艺术中罕见的满月相对应,将古典文学语境下的诗意与美感具化于现实。Artistic inventiveness develops when details are revealed, much like an appreciation of a medieval painting. The designer conceals the sense of history among the retro items, such as the smooth texture of the piano, the mottled artistic paint full of the sense of time, and the carefully polished handmade bricks, by echoing the European classical elements of the entire red brick wall and Roman column of the block. The powerful aura of classical craftsmen dispels the harsh impression of life at the nexus of fiction and reality. Time is brewed into a narrative that decorates the area, gently dissolving the remaining scent. “重叠”不止于元素的灵活增减,更强调不同场景的构建、交融与独立。OVERLAPS餐厅项目的设计融合了美式与欧式、现代与古典、餐吧与酒吧等不同维度的空间场景,在交错与并行中整合出独一无二的空间逻辑与叙述风格,设计师凭借艺术手段将断层的空间场景衔接起来,让时间在静止中流淌,让梦境在现实中萌发。“OVERLAPS” refers to the creation, integration, and independence of several scenarios as well as the flexible addition and subtraction of pieces. A unique spatial logic and narrative style at the intersection and parallelism, as well as an artistic approach to bridging the fragmented space scenes, are created by the design of OVERLAPS Restaurant, which blends various dimensions, such as American and European, modern and classical, restaurant and bar. This helps time to flow at rest and allows dreams to become true. 项目信息 Information━项目名称:OVERLAPSProject Name: OVERLAPS项目地址:上海市衡山路8号Location: No. 8, Hengshan Road, Shanghai设计单位:无锡麦设计建筑设计顾问有限公司Design Company: MET Creative Brand设计总监:栾争尧Design Director: Zhengyao Luan辅助设计师:顾潇、蓝鑫、吕彤彤Assistant Designer: Xiao Gu, Xin Lan, Tongtong Lv项目面积:252m²Area: 252 square meters设计时间:2022.02Design Cycle: February 2022完工时间:2022.10Completion Time: October 2022主要材料:定制手工砖、艺术漆、实木饰面Main Materials: Custom handmade brick, Art paint, Solid wood veneer
Lighting Design: Glimmer lighting
Construction Unit: Hangzhou Rongbin Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd.