印际 x Humbert Poyet新作 | 个性使然素材网5个月前发布关注私信03414 Humbert&Poyet是一家位于摩纳哥的室内设计工作室,由Christophe Poyet和Emil Humbert联合创建于2007年。两位年轻的设计师都曾在巴黎学习,Christophe Poyet毕业于巴黎贝尔维尔国立建筑学院,拥有国家注册建筑师执照;而Emil Humbert则毕业于Académie Charpentier,也是CFAI注册室内设计师成员。 Humbert&Poyet is an interior design studio based in Monaco, co-founded in 2007 by Christophe Poyet and Emil Humbert. Both young designers studied in Paris. Christophe Poyet graduated from the National School of Architecture in Belleville, Paris, and holds a national licensed architect. Emil Humbert graduated from Academie Charpentier and is a certified interior designer at CFAI. Louvre Residence 精致的住宅 ━ 在Louvre住宅中不难发现Humbert Poyet一贯的设计风格,他们总能在古典主义和现代主义中寻找到某种合适的交织点,并将其巧妙的运用于所有项目之中。在满足业主生活和工作基本需求的同时,所有的细节都经过了精心的考虑和人性化设计,以此提升整体居住的舒适性和精致的审美体验。 Humbert Poyet's design style is evident in the Louvre residence, where they have always found the right mix of classicism and modernism and have used it in all their projects. While meeting the basic needs of living and working, all details have been carefully considered and humanised to enhance the overall living comfort and refined aesthetic experience. Florida Residence 永恒的住宅 ━ Florida住宅被造型感强烈的家具和精心的装饰细节所丰富,有着与展厅般的空间基调。Humbert Poyet的每一处细节都经得住时间的推敲,他们认为久看不厌的设计是使住宅走向永恒的前提。同时,空间中新旧之间呈现了一种平衡的协调和互为融合,为居住者营造出优雅、平和与安逸的居住氛围。 The Florida residence is enriched by strongly stylised furnishings and elaborate decorative details, with a showroom-like tone, and every detail of Humbert Poyet's design will stand the test of time, believing that a timeless design is a prerequisite for a timeless residence. At the same time, the space offers a balanced harmony and interplay between the old and the new, creating an elegant, calm and restful atmosphere for the occupants. Beefbar Ath Nes 古典与现代的结合 ━ Beefbar Ath Nes是古典主义与现代主义完美融合的最佳呈现,体现出Humbert Poyet与众不同的空间构思。当他们在不同的国家或城市为Beefbar设计餐厅时,设计灵感都来自于餐厅所处的历史人文和自然环境,使每一家餐厅都有其独特的个性和传达出不一样的当地精神。 Beefbar Ath Nes is a perfect blend of classicism and modernism, reflecting Humbert Poyet's distinctive conception of space. When they design restaurants for Beefbar in different countries or cities, the design is inspired by the historical, human and natural environment in which the restaurant is located, so that each restaurant has its own unique personality and conveys a different local spirit. 内容策划 / Presented ✚ 策划 Producer :W.Yinji 撰文 Writer :Lu JY 校改 Proof:Da Lim 图片版权 Copyright :Humbert Poyet ©原创内容,不支持任何形式的转载,翻版必究! © 版权声明网站声明 :本站属于分享网站,仅用于观看哦,并非完全原创,如有侵犯到您的权益,请告知我们,会立刻下架 - 素材网 邮箱:sucai1588@163.comTHE END站长推荐 喜欢就支持一下吧点赞14 分享QQ空间微博QQ好友海报分享复制链接收藏