印际首发 x 蜚声设计 | 苫也·不若林二期 · 闲适居所之意趣素材网5个月前发布关注私信04714 今人好似总怕被认作闲人,对于此,古人则有着全然不同的理解。苏轼直言,“江山风月,本无常主,闲者便是主人。”古字中“闲”为“閒”,月洒清辉,倚门而望。在此处,身份被全然忽略,无关外物,只关乎内心。 Nowadays, people seem to be afraid of being regarded as idlers while the ancients had a totally different view. Su Shi once said, “Rivers, mountains, winds and the moon belong to no one, and idlers can enjoy them for free.” The ancient Chinese character “xian” (“idle”) means leaning against the door and watching the moonlight. At this moment, identity is completely ignored. All that matters is one’s inner heart. 苫也不愿今人囿于俗事,在感受过海的浪漫后,又转向山间寻觅一方闲适居所;林海间的灵性滋养,让蜚声同样感知到自然意境之美,与苫也共同为旅客打造一处安然慢生活。这便是苫也不若林一期的起源。 Sanyea wants to free modern people from their mundane affairs. After feeling the romance of the sea, Sanyea turns to the mountains for a leisurely place to stay in. The dense forest allows Fusion to feel the beauty of nature as well. Therefore, Fusion and Sanyea work together to create a paradise for tourists. This is the origin of SANYEA-Forest Retreat I. 不若林二期是于林海环绕中更加与世独立的建筑。蜚声延续了一期的主要设计理念,从自然中提取美学符号与元素,以设计为笔勾画具象空间。进一步提升了空间氛围与质感,从而去呈现一个远离城市喧嚣、却充满“家”的闲适意境与自在雅趣的世外桃源。在这里,请允许我们虚度一下光阴,把身心还给自己。 SANYEA-Forest Retreat II is a more secluded architecture in the forests. Fusion continues the main design concept of Forest Retreat I, extracting aesthetic symbols and elements from nature and decorating the space with excellent design. Fusion further emphasizes the sense of space to present a “home” of idleness and elegance far away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Here, we can spend as much time as we like to wind down. 软风烟雨,青瓦飞檐;建筑和室内空间皆以黑白为主色,对比鲜明,却又能和谐相融。犹如一幅飘逸出尘的中国水墨,轻描淡写几笔,却能勾勒出大地山川、世间万象,越简单、越有韵味。犹如墨色的各类黑色材质,于空间的白色中扩散开来,渲染出一幅令人更加安定、沉静的氛围。 Eaves of green tiles shelter people from gentle breezes and drizzles. The cladding and the inside decorations are mainly black and white, which contrast sharply and coexist harmoniously. It is like an ethereal Chinese ink painting, in which a few brushes can outline the earth, mountains, rivers, and everything in the world. The simpler the painting is, the more charm it shows. All kinds of ink-like black materials spread out in the white space, rendering a more stable and calmer atmosphere. 中式的意境之美是带着画面感的故事,它不是一眼的惊艳,而是细品后返甘的含蓄韵味,需要天、地、人三者相合而成。信步徜徉于宽敞的公区,借景于不同的转角、间隙;一步一景之间,观者总能收获意想之外的绝佳视角,引人联想。 The beauty of Chinese artistic conception is pictorial. Not amazing at first sight, it needs to be carefully tasted and demands the combination of heaven, earth and man. Strolling in the spacious public area and different corners, visitors can always enjoy an unexpected, excellent view and have infinite associations. 现代质朴的沙发、硬朗随型的茶几,搭配了些许中式的老家具和摆件,共同营造出一种自在融合且有意境沉淀的韵味。三四把古董官帽椅点缀各处、一只部分破碎的老陶罐当做摆件、一根废弃的旧木梁改造设计成一盏落地灯……如何保留岁月流转带来的故事性、时光变迁中沉淀下来的痕迹,与当代人的居所需求相结合,这也是蜚声在做本项目自始至终想传递出的一些思考和尝试。 The modern plain sofas, the solid irregularly-shaped coffee tables and the old Chinese furniture and ornaments complement each other, creating a profound charm. In the house, three or four antique official’s hat armchairs are set, a partially-broken old ceramic pot is used for decoration, and an old abandoned wooden beam is transformed into a floor lamp... How to preserve the stories and traces of time and how to combine them with the needs of modern people are what Fusion intends to answer through this project. 人的视线随着天花的黑色线条向远处延伸,从西厨这一端发散至对面,引出一个还未探索的转折空间。黑与白、高与低,疏与密,元素的对比在设计师最初内心世界的展现中,暗含了对一份空间关系划分与构筑的新理解。阳光随着时间变化在这些体块间游走,若隐若现间亦给空间添上一层别样的氛围滤镜。 People’s sight extends to the distance following the dark lines of the ceiling, from the western kitchen to the opposite side, and then lands on a turning space to be explored. In the designers’ conception, the contrast of elements, such as black and white, high and low, sparse and dense, implies a new understanding of the division and construction of different spaces. Sunlight moves through these rooms over time, which adds a special filter to the space. 楼道间,豁然一线天光倾洒而下,不禁令人豁然开朗;窗景外的光线作为指引的方向,引导人拾级而上进入二层的空间。缝隙间洒落的光线如时间的指针,随着日照变化在黑色木饰面上缓缓划过光的痕迹,一切仿佛慢了半拍,暗示来者放下包袱、身心皆可闲下来。 In the corridor, light pours down, enlightening people all of a sudden. The light outside the window leads people to go upstairs to the second floor. The light casting through the gaps is like a time pointer, moving slowly on the black wood surface as the sun moves. Everything seems to slow down, suggesting the comers to load off their minds and relax. “静心”的门牌挂于门前,像是对来者的一个告示。何夜无月?何处无竹柏?但少闲人如吾两人者耳。这里,是更私密于友人之间的闲暇小聚之处。 The sign “Calm Your Mind” is hung on the door, like a notice to comers. Just as Su Shi said, “The moon, bamboos and cypresses are everywhere, but there are no idle people like we two.” This is a place where friends can enjoy together a more intimate and leisurely time. 黑色木饰面围合着四周墙面,渲染出一幅水墨般的私密氛围;一根黑色梁横穿白色斜顶天花,以宣告自己的特立独行。山野林间、雾缈蓝天,在预先设计好的窗框里成就一幅幅山野画卷。光与影,室内空间与自然环境,看似是此消彼长的相悖,实则是相互成就着共生。 Black wood veneers on the walls create an ink-painting-like private atmosphere, and a black beam crosses the slanted white ceiling uniquely. Outside the windows, mountains, forests and the blue sky form diverse pictures. Light and shadow and indoor space and natural environment seem to be incompatible, but in fact, they complement each other. 餐桌旁的卡座给予宾客更多闲适舒展的选择。光影错落,觥筹交错,好一番闲情逸致。 The booths beside the dining tables offer the guests another choice. How relaxing it is to savor wine in the changing light. 步入客房,从卧室再到户外泡池庭院、再到远处建筑和山林景观,屏风与窗棱转化而来的格栅将室内外的景致划分成无数细微小景。隐隐绰绰、虚与实之间,完成了空间的层层递进、环环相扣。 In the guest rooms, gratings made up of screens and window edges divide the indoor and outdoor scenery into numerous scenes. The bedroom, the outdoor courtyard with pools, the distant buildings and the mountains are independent yet interconnected. 木色调是客房室内的主线,串联起柔和的墙面漆延伸至户外。在树影斑驳和波光粼粼的光影映衬下,将室内的休憩体验无形中融合于山林间。 The guest rooms are mainly decorated with wooden furniture and soft wall paint extending to the outdoors. The dappled tree shadows and the shimmering pool strengthen guests’ refreshing feelings when they rest in the rooms. 质朴却又考究的家居布艺,小巧挂画和竹灯一盏,恰到好处地展现着一种生活方式,让人不禁期待来一场细雨,在雨落屋檐下的时候,煮一壶新茶。从城市中逃离到此,情绪从急忙、快节奏转向沉静和关乎具身体验的一切,使被忽略的、细微的感知开始显现出来;由此,一个“家”的存在意义似乎在此得到诠释。 Plain quality furniture and fabric, delicate hanging pictures, and a bamboo lamp show the calm lifestyle. Such an environment makes people look forward to a drizzle when they can brew a pot of tea under the eaves. Escaping from the cities to this retreat, you can slow down your pace and spend time enjoying the present. Those neglected and subtle perceptions begin to emerge. Thus, you realize the significance of “home” here. 大漠孤烟中漫步,河畔残阳下舞蹈,树影浮动时赏月,我们在手机里惊叹他人的生活,自己却很难慢下脚步,甚至不愿在雨后为自己泡一杯茶。只是因为无所得,因此没必要。 Scrolling on our mobile phones, we marvel at others’ lives such as walking in the desert, dancing at sunset by the river, and appreciating the moon in the tree shadows, but it is hard for us to slow down the pace, or even make a cup of tea for ourselves in rainy days. We feel unnecessary to do these things just because we cannot gain benefits from them. 周作人先生曾言,“我们于日用必需的东西以外,必须还有一点无用的游戏与享乐,生活才觉得有意思。”这样的良辰美景中,于闲适居所中为一些无用事,做一次闲人又何妨? Mr. Zhou Zuoren once said, “Besides our daily necessities, we must have some useless recreation, so that life can be joyful.”In such beautiful scenery and such a comfortable place, why not be an idler and do something useless? 项目信息 Information ━ 项目名称:苫也·不若林二期 Name:SANYEA-Forest Retreat II 项目地点:中国深圳 Location:Shenzhen, China 建筑/景观/室内/陈设:蜚声设计 Building/Landscape/Interior/FF&E Design:FUSION DESIGN 主案设计:文志刚、李诗琪 Chief Design:Josh Wen、Suki Li 设计团队:向维方、姚尧梦越、唐鹏山 Design Team:Willem Xiang、Alvis Yao、Pengshan Tang 软装团队:王晨曦、胡建美、苗慧 FF&E Design:Aurora Wang、Mayra Hu、Hui Miao 设计面积:800㎡ Project Area:800㎡ 项目文案:陈芊 Copywriter:Alina Chen 项目摄影:欧阳云-隐象建筑摄影 Photographer:Yun Ouyang 项目甲方:深圳市苫也文旅发展有限公司 Client:Shenzhen Sanyea Cultural Tourism Development Co., Ltd. 文志刚 JoshWen / 李诗琪 Suki Li 蜚声设计创始人 / 设计总监 苫也民宿联合创始人 / 主理人(左) - Fusion Design 倡导用简单的艺术,设计有能量的作品,创造独特的趣味性与可能性。我们从历史、文化、艺术等方面,吸取灵感元素,创造出巧妙平衡于多元风格的融合空间。我们聚焦于全球化视野,不受具体风格的界限,通过生活的美学来拓展各种新的可能。以地产、精品酒店与高端私宅为聚点向外辐射,以设计的无限创意与视觉艺术,传达不一样的生活方式和美学理念。 Fusion Design advocates the use of simple art to design energetic works, to create unique fun and possibilities. We draw inspiration elements from history, culture, art, etc., to create a fusion space that is ingeniously balanced with multiple styles. We focus on globalization perspective, no bound by specific styles, and expand various new possibilities through the aesthetics of life. With real estate, boutique hotels and high-end private residences as a gathering point, it radiates outwards. By using different lifestyles and aesthetic concepts to convey our infinite creativity and visual art of design. 内容策划 / Presented ✚ 策划 Producer :W.Yinji 排版 Editor:Lu JY 校对 Proof:Xran 图片版权 Copyright :蜚声设计 ©独家首发,转载请联系我们,翻版必究! © 版权声明网站声明 :本站属于分享网站,仅用于观看哦,并非完全原创,如有侵犯到您的权益,请告知我们,会立刻下架 - 素材网 邮箱:sucai1588@163.comTHE END站长推荐 喜欢就支持一下吧点赞14 分享QQ空间微博QQ好友海报分享复制链接收藏